
Airbnb, the leading community Hospitality platform, has the honor of having the Bran Castle as accommodation on Halloween night. In this castle, that was the inspiration for the Dracula's Castle, the vampire lovers can risk their necks as guests of the great-great-grandson of Bram Stoker, Dacre Stoker.

night-at-dracula-6 night-at-dracula-5No dia 31 de outubro, Halloween night, the winners will be able to relive the story of Jonathan Harker, the protagonist of the famous novel Dracula, traveling in a chariot by Romania during the night, to get to the mysterious castle on the hilltop. Bran Castle, whose history dates from the 14th century, served as the inspiration for the Dracula's Castle in the famous novel by Bram Stoker.

The winners will receive a warm welcome from the host, Dacre Stoker, recognized expert on vampires and in love with the romance of his great-great uncle, that will unlock the secrets of the legends of vampires. Together they will explore the castle to get to know the real story, discovering the truth about the relationship between Dracula and Vlad, the Impaler.

After walking the dark mazes, the creepy corners and the creepy Castle stairs, visitors will discover a secret passage that will lead to the dining room. There will be able to enjoy an evening by candlelight, with exactly the same dishes and wines to the described in the novel Dracula: a robust beef dish and a chicken with red peppers.

night-at-dracula-4The guests will sleep in the crypt of count, in a luxurious velvet coffin. The rest of the night will remain alone in the Castle, only accompanied by wolves that roam the outskirts.

When dawn and disappear the risk appearing vampires, guests will enjoy a breakfast on the terrace of the Castle, with the sun rising over the beautiful scenery of Transylvania as backdrop.

How to participate? To win the chance to spend a night in Dracula's Castle, your imagination dark and deep knowledge about vampires will prepare you to answer this simple question: What would you say to count if the find in his Castle?

Participants have until the day 11:59 pm 26 October to participate. And don't worry about the trip. Airbnb is in charge of the winners ' trip from anywhere in the world. The winner and companion must have more than 18 anos. The text to be submitted must have between 50 e 550 English characters, francês, alemão, Spanish, Italian or Portuguese; e entre 50 e 300 characters in Chinese, Japanese or Korean.

night-at-dracula-3The "standards" of the House

  • Enter freely. Walk safely and leave part of the happiness you bring
  • Be careful! They were vampires at sunset
  • Garlic is not allowed, or garlic flavored elements, including perfumes
  • Please keep your silver jewelry at home
  • The same rule applies to any sacred symbol
  • Don't cross the cutlery. De facto, not you put any cross-shaped object
  • Watch out for bats in the Tower of the Castle
  • Make sure you delete all the candles before bedtime
  • Please, close all the blinds before dawn
  • The Count you don't like the selfiesthe mirror