Platform "Portugal Now" discussed attractiveness in Portugal

Recently the tourism in Portugal has had more visibility, but the country already deals in this area for many years. De facto, We need to see that only last year did we get to the numbers of 2007 e 2008."Who said it was Gonçalo Rebelo de Almeida, administrador do Grupo Vila Galé, during the "II Portugal Attractive Conference-action strategy", recently promoted by Portugal Platform Now, at Pestana Citadel, em Cascais.

This event discussed the attractiveness and the tag "Portugal", bringing to thematic discussion as critical factors for attracting investments; drivers of tourism and attract international expertise.

Portugal-AttractiveThe session was opened by the Mayor of Cascais, Carlos Careers, and terminated by the President of AICEP, Miguel Frasquilho. The Panel of speakers, moderated by Carlos Sezões, Portugal Now Platform Coordinator, attended by Nuno Ferreira Pires, Administrator of the Pestana Hotel Group; Ricardo Act, Vice President of Rock in Rio; Diogo Sousa Martins, World President of Kemin Pharma; and Gonçalo Rebelo de Almeida, administrador do Grupo Vila Galé.

Good talent training; sophistication of road mobility; It infrastructure; language domain; tax incentives for investment; employment incentives; climate and security were the main factors that led Diogo Sousa Martins brought to Portugal the Kemin Pharma, a pharmacist specializing in ophthalmology. The Manager stood out as factors to attract Government incentives skills that take policies to companies to create value; intensification of international agreements and the promotion of the innovation ecosystem through a greater relationship between companies and universities or research centres.

Nuno Ferreira Pires already highlighted some of the obstacles to the development of tourism. According to the administrator of the Pestana Hotel Group, shocked when he began working in the sector the lack of management talent in a sector that represents 10% the GDP of Portugal. The manager points out that now there is a greater ability to attract talent, but this is something recent. As main concerns, He stressed the excessive bureaucracy; legislation that is a barrier to competitiveness and the untapped potential of future contact with tourists: We are witnessing a growth of tourists, but most of us don't know anything about them or there way back to contact them. This is something you could solve with something as simple, como, por exemplo, offer wifi in Exchange for your email.

Ricardo recalled Act, in his speech, the Rock in Rio was born 30 years of the mind of a publicist to communicate a brand: a marketing action that won a huge projection. Neste momento, claims that the whole team that manages is composed of professionals and the technologies of the festival are developed internally in Lisbon, already going on including export to other countries. About the Portuguese, highlights its ability to If desenrascarem. As to the attractiveness of the country, used the comparison to Las Vegas, to say that much left to do and bring together all the players to come up with a common goal together.