Real Hotels Group invests in growth in 2017


The Real Hotels Group, pretende, em 2017, strengthen their teams of Housekeeping, Food & Beverage and kitchen/Bakery with 100 new employees to join the company.

The bet the Real Hotels Group in its collaborators is reinforced with the investment in nine strategic goals: Real Check-In (recruitment, reception and integration); Spectáculo (annual plan of sports and leisure); Real live (informal events that act as open channel of communication with the Administration); Real Balance (promoting harmony between work and personal life) Royal Academy (training program); Real Pro (career management); Real (partnerships program); Really help and We Go Green (Social responsibility and environmental policies).

The hotel group intends to, with these initiatives, promote the implementation of a business culture based on respect for the individuality of each employee, the alignment between the personal and organizational objectives, as well as in the promotion of an environment favourable to the development of the professional developer.

In a universe of about 800 colaboradores, the average seniority of employees is six years, the percentage of contracts without term is 50% and the average age of employees is 36 anos.