Cascais Tourism Forum already have speakers confirmed


The third edition of Cascais Tourism Forum, organized by ARHCESMO, taking place on the day 8 de maio, already has the first speakers confirmed: Tim Leberecht and Limor SCHweitzer.

“The romance of the journey in the digital age” will be the theme of Tim Leberecht intervention that will explore how we can maintain the sense and the discovery in a world of increasing complexity, fragmentation and fast-paced and how travel can help us "lost" and "see you". Will also reflect on what this means for the tourism industry and as regions such as Cascais can continue to differentiate.

The Panel "Thinking Travel Strategy", It will focus on the strategy of promotion of tourist destinations and their differentiation factors, will count with António Bernardo, Alfonso Rubio and Leonardo Mathias. Moderation shall be in charge of Peter Colaço.

"Celebrate is the New Cool" is the theme of the Cascais Tourism Forum 2018, It will focus on new trends of tourism and innovation as a factor of competitiveness for the sector. The importance of the strategy of promotion of tourist destinations; Portugal's vision and the development of tourist destination in recent years and the trends of the Global Tourism are some of the themes that will be under discussion in several panes.