Face it head-on his mistake. When he fails, instead of saying "sorry" must say, “I admit I made a mistake”. Admitting an error can be difficult, but eventually it's a way to make things right.

Never take the "crap" for your workplace.

Be loyal, honest and focused on the tasks assigned to.

Live to learn, don't learn to live.

In the event of a query, Don't be afraid and don't be sorry. Try to give proper explanation.

Is short and precise in conversation by phone.

Hotel-256See the gathering as part of knowledge. Knowledge is power. He makes you an active participant in the talks.

Don't bring home the concerns of the work or take to the workplace concerns of House.

Have the concern to use the right clothing for your appearance and profession. Don't be dependent on the sets.

Be punctual when you have scheduled an appointment. Be punctual demonstrates respect and consideration for others.

Be an idol of enthusiasm and joy. Choose your Idol and follow.

Keep the mood positive. A positive nature can mark its position in any place or situation.

Be humorous, You can tell a joke once in a while, but I never play with the emotions of anyone.

Meet people. Socialize. Be nice to everyone. Memorize your name and is always polite saying words like “Thank you”, “Please” etc.

Show always a confident smile. A smile can change the State of mind of the one who gives and who receives.

Do things that others do not do as shown.

Don't be pushy.

Luís Gonçalves


  1. Top marks for this advice, so simple, so practical and so effective!
    What a great self-esteem!
    There is no doubt that humility is an attribute and an act of intelligence!

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