Portugal strengthens sanitary control measures at airports

National airports will strengthen health control measures, by disseminating leaflets, epidemiological surveys and visual observation of passengers arriving in the country, He announced the Minister of Internal Affairs, Eduardo Cabrita, This Monday (16).

Segundo o governante, em conferência de imprensa, after a meeting with their European counterparts, it was also decided the closure of the border between Portugal and Spain, Tourism and leisure, according to OpçãoTurismo announced.

There will be only 9 points to cross the land border between Portugal and Spain, just to make transport of essential goods and sanitary, as well as for cross-border workers.

The minister also added that the health check will be done in conjunction with the Spanish authorities and the reintroduction of border with Spain will not call into question the nationals entry you want to return back to Portugal, or the exit of foreign nationals who wish to return to their country of origin.

Por sua vez, at the same conference, Health Minister said that the control of external borders will be strengthened and the manufacture and import of medical equipment can be strengthened among European member states, adding that it will be made a new joint acquisition package of personal protective equipment, heavy medical equipment and testing.

Also the measures at airports are reinforced. What is expected is the maintenance of our purpose already shared, the instruments that we have been implementing since the start of the outbreak, as dissemination of leaflets to passengers arriving, application of epidemiological surveys and visual observation of passengers who are arriving, said Marta Feared.

As for the foreigners who are receiving treatment in Portugal, Marta Feared he reported that it was agreed to continue to treat those who need treatment irrespective of national origin.

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