O grupo NH Hotéis acaba de revelar os números do primeiro semestre do ano. That confirms the trend seen in recent quarters of 2013. Auditors made the Group managed to increase profits in 10 por cento.
The numbers were all positives. Since the price (+0,2%), the occupation (+2,3%) and comparable sales (+2,4%), that expenditures, 13,7 milhões de euros. Values that, as revealed the Group, em comunicado, "show a positive development in all business units". Being that this is the first time, in two years, There was a record of rising prices.
THE EBITA, by your side, achieved, no primeiro semestre do ano, 45,7 milhões. Slightly below the value registered in 2013. A explicação, According to the NH Hotels, due to the "lack of contribution of the hotels that left the perimeter and the negative impact of exchange rates in Latin America".
The costs are in line with the established for the beginning of the year, with the group to maintain "stable staff costs despite the increased activity and the increase in the expenditure related to the implementation of the strategic plan initiatives". And here come investments as the review of signage in hotels, the system migration, the definition and implementation of new global ad campaign, the launch of mobile applications and the improvement and integration of site.
According to the NH Hotels consumers, actualmente, a better perception of the units, the result of the remodeling works completed (or in progress). Allowing a sales revenue growth quarter 13,5%. During the summer period, 14 Hotels started their works and other 23 will start in the next few weeks.
The reduction plan and cost optimization will continue, in order to "achieve the objective of expenditure reduction year rentals", "almost 70% the target already blocked between agreements already provided and pending agreements for implementation in the coming months ". In relation to the portfolio of hotels, the plan included the output of 44 Hotels during the period of 2013-2014. These outputs 25 have already been implemented. No entanto 13 keep-if "thanks to agreements reached with the owners (best financial conditions or investment commitments)”. By the end of the year is scheduled the remaining six units.