World Tourism has grown from 6% em 2017


Segundo a Organização Mundial de Turismo (OMT), the world tourism grew up in 6% 2017, in comparison with the previous year, being the movement of Chinese tourists responsible for increased.

Zurab Pololikashvili, the new Secretary General of the Organization, recently highlighted the rapid evolution of China as tourists led market, driving the big increase in world tourism.

It is recalled that the ascent of 6% had already been provided by the UNWTO last year numbers review. Before that, the expectation was lower ramp, somewhere around 4,5%. No entanto, the numbers were revised due to the strong acceleration of tourism until October, face especially the results of the southern Europe and Mediterranean destinations, North Africa and Middle East.

Para 2018, Zurab Pololikashvili pointed to a possible increase between 3% a 4% in international arrivals.