Yescapa arrives in Portugal with a new way to travel

Portugal é, sem dúvida, one of the favorite holiday places for many tourists. It is also the most popular country in Yescapa platform, dedicated to campervan hire private worldwide, and who has just arrived in Portugal.

Nicknamed the "Airbnb motorhomes", the platform promotes the practice of sharing economy, and it is assumed as a trusted intermediary in motorhomes and campervans hire private. It offers a full rental service, insurance and assistance included, being responsible for the verification of the identity of the owners and the operational status of all platform vehicles.

The startup is now focusing on domestic market, increasingly sought after by tourists from around the world, and growth prospects 5,6% the tourist industry sales in the online market (até 2020).

With six years of existence, It is present in Yescapa 6 countries in Europe: França, Espanha, Inglaterra, Alemanha, Itália, and now Portugal; com cerca de 5 thousand vehicles available and over 200 1000 users.

The rental service allows the owner to monetize your vehicle, finance the maintenance and create a new source of income, because on average, only use your motorhome, for personal use, cerca de 70 days / year. This service provides the renter a unique experience of traveling trip, through a turnkey solution, Simple and safe, and the opportunity to join the largest community of aficionados motorcaravanning and traveling trips.