"An even longer" marked the last day of Rodolfo Faustino as Macau Tourism Coordinator

Yesterday, dia 27 de junho, It was the last day that Rodolfo Faustino took their Macau Tourism Coordinator of in Portugal (e Espanha), almost bond 18 anos. On Facebook, Rodolfo Faustino fired up to "An even longer", a message to the team that always accompanied him and also to all those with him professionally related over the years.

In his message, Rodolfo Faustino, a brief summary of his long career, of "only in Portugal were almost 18 years linked to the Macau Tourism. intense years and I am proud ". And continues:

Throughout much of this period, as Macau Tourism coordinator in Portugal and Spain, I tried my best to make increasingly Macau was recognized as a tourist destination in many dimensions, promoting various actions in a constant appeal to more and more Portuguese departed the meeting and discovering the history and culture of this region in Asia, and links that continue to strengthen ties with more than 500 years of common history between Portugal and Macau, and maintained harmoniously.
Foram 37 years also intensely experienced by professional connections that in many cases resulted in personal friendships.
So I reaffirm my pride for their work and that brought me, em 2000, to Lisbon.
I would like to thank individually all that, various forms of, They made and make really feel proud. But it would be a long list. So it is just a thank you to the whole team who accompanied me and supported throughout this period, and to my superiors who trusted in me.
To all of you, friends and colleagues, thank you ... and even longer!

Rodolfo Faustino