Restauração: between meals 5 e 10 euros and paid in cash

To learn more about the daily life of the restoration and the profile of customers AHRESP - Association of Hotels, Restauração e Similares de Portugal, together with Nielsen, addressed over 2.000 estabelecimentos.

The results show that there is a clear difference in consumption habits between national and international, between weekdays and weekends Weekend.

During the week the Portuguese opt for lunch outside, com mais de 60% meals served. Por outro lado, it appears that there is a predominance (mais de 50%) the menus priced between 5 e 10 euros. Already during the end-of-week consumption of tourists covers almost all establishments, except snacks. The restaurants located in hotels have a different profile, It is that are usually most sought after dinner.

Most customers choose to pay the money, which might be justified by (low) value meals. Interestingly in the North, cash payments record 89%, but the center / Lisbon area payment in cash is similar to payment by debit card, com 55% e 42%, respectivamente.

The collected data allow to go further and to analyze the tourist profile. It appears that, in terms of tourist meals served, respondents from the Americas (North America), representam 52% the northern district and 30% in the southern area, It is that South America is 63% the northern district and 20% in the southern area. Already Asian mainland respondents represent more meals in the North Area (45%), followed by the area center / Lisbon (29%) and finally the Central Area / North and South Area, com 15% e 12% respetivamente, while respondents from the African continent, They represent a greater number of meals made in the North Area (66%) and then immediately the Central Area / North with 24%.