Madeira maintains a contingency situation until 31 de Janeiro

The Regional Government of Madeira declared the contingency situation in the Autonomous Region of Madeira, for reasons of public health to contain the covid-19 pandemic.

This is one of the decisions taken by the Regional Government Council that

decided to prolong the contingency situation in the region until 31 de Janeiro, following the covid-19 pandemic, and maintain the control standards in force.

The document highlights that this situation has effects from the 00:00 horas do dia 16 de Janeiro de 2022 till 23:59 horas do dia 31 de Janeiro de 2022, maintaining pandemic control standards.

It is recalled that the contingency situation in Madeira has been in force since 20 de Novembro, when the executive led by Miguel Albuquerque, determined the mandatory submission of a negative antigen test and vaccination certificate to access most public and private spaces.