French travel agencies make AG in Madeira


In a recent General Assembly, the EDV-Entreprises du Voyages (French Association of travel agencies) It was decided that the wood will be the target host of the next annual Convention of French travel agencies, for the last months of 2018.

Wood entered this competition with strong competing destinations, in particular to Greece but turned out to be the one, in recognition of the work of preparation between the team of Portugal in Paris, the Regional Secretariat of tourism and culture and the Madeira Promotion Association. The decision was taken this month and was announced now in Lille.

Roberto Santa Clara, Executive Director of the Association for the promotion of Madeira highlights the importance of conducting this annual Convention in Madeira for about 400 participantes, Noting that will help to position the wood on the French market, as a year-round destination, highlighting the wide-ranging activities and unique experiences, with a focus on Active Tourism and families component.

Este evento, entitled Les Journées des Entrepreneurs du Voyage, Toggles your edits between France and abroad. This year it took place in Lille, in the North of France, entre 22 e 24 de novembro.

Created in 1945, the organism Les Entreprises du Voyages, represents 1346 associated companies, entre outros, agências de viagens, tour operators and agencies MI. Has as main objective to monitor and develop the companies linked to the travel industry. It also has a strong training component, featuring a training centre.